What is SW-PBIS and why is North Elementary using it?
SW-PBIS stands for school-wide positive behavior intervention support. It is a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behaviors. Simply put, it's a general approach to preventing problematic behavior and at the same time rewarding positive behavior through school-wide incentives.
SW-PBIS is based upon the idea that students learn appropriate behavior in the same way that they learn to read--through instruction, practice, feedback, and encouragement. Teaching behavioral expectations and recognizing students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur and then punishing students. The purpose of SW-PBIS is to establish an environment in which appropriate behavior is the expectation and the reality.
North Elementary will teach a basic code of conduct, which includes; "At North Elementary we believe that success means doing our best,being our best, and feeling proud of our efforts." The matrix lists and defines the expected behaviors in several settings throughout the building. Every student will be introduced to the matrix at the beginning of the school year with each expectation taught in the classroom and reinforced throughout the year.
To promote and encourage positive behaviors there are several incentives in place that are awarded to students. These incentives include individual and class awards, bus awards, and others.
Students are encouraged to treat each other with respect, act responsibly, and think about the safety of themselves and others in all situations. As a school community, we are able to achieve these things through SW-PBIS.