10730 State Hwy W
Jackson, MO 63755
Phone: (573) 243-9590Fax: (573) 243-9591

"Igniting Innovation...Continuing Excellence"

Jackson R-2 School District 

“Igniting Innovation...Continuing Excellence”


The mission of the Jackson R-2 School District is to graduate life-ready, service motivated citizens with a passion for learning. 


The vision of the Jackson R-2 School District as outlined by the CSIP and Strategic Plan, is to implement direction given by stakeholders to ensure that every student learns, becoming educated and responsible citizens by: 

● Igniting innovation within an evolving world. 

● Continuing the excellence of Jackson Schools by honoring tradition while embracing progress by customizing successful, dynamic, individual learning experiences.

● Transferring wisdom and support from parents, educators, community members and other partners in education.

● Encouraging and engaging students in personal, social and civic responsibility. 


CSIP Goals 23-24 rvsd.pdf 
CSIP Goals 23-24

Useful Links

The Jackson R-2 School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs, activities or employment practices.